grateful for the waters spilling in & through me without which none of this would be possible

Grateful for the power of salt

Grateful for salt water, dissolving that which sticks into purity

Grateful for the ocean. Grateful for its immensity & simultaneous smallness as a drop of its salty nectar flows down my cheek

Grateful for inevitable release, grateful for ongoing Grief, grateful for the waters, grateful for their salt

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Jul 12Liked by Kathe Izzo


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love you

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love you too

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Jul 12Liked by Kathe Izzo

so human. and therefore humanizing. I'm screened out so I'm going to do gratitude on paper. thank you, still sending well wishes. <3

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Ok if we’re all sharing gratitude for our pick spots then let me also say…

a mosquito bit my jawline a couples weeks ago and I scratched it too hard while watching a true crime series and eating ice cream.

The severity of the mark that this left was shocking and I was mad at myself the next day for literally shedding a layer of skin on my face while consuming unnecessary shit.

Ok but then it finally started healing and scabbing.

…so I picked it!!!

That cycle repeated a few more times this last week. Each time I said that I wasn’t going to touch the spot until it was fully healed. Each time I picked it anyways.

And so here we are today. It’s almost healed after an unnecessarily prolonged and interfered process. but it’s left a mark and slight indentation.

I guess I’m grateful for both of you for bringing this v unsexy topic up so that I can think on why it is that I impulsively pick at my face and also maybe get curious about if I can let go guilt attached to it.

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Jul 13Liked by Kathe Izzo

Loves this. Love the gift of a shortcut lol. Inspired so much

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Jul 13Liked by Kathe Izzo

TMI is a never thing. Loved this share 🀘

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thanks for that β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

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Grateful for the naked honesty of this transmission.

Grateful for the inspiration to examine more deeply a very similar situation I’ve been experiencing:

For almost a decade I’ve been constantly picking at small hard bumps that emerge at my hairline at the base of my skull where my neck’s nape begins.

I have thick curly hair so I assume they’re pimples and would dissipate on their own if left alone but I CAN NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE.

Picking at them has become a major outlet for me to process and release anxiety.

This behavior is the reason I sought out a therapist who has helped me immensely with a multitude of issues, yet the picking continues.

Sometimes they are there and sometimes they are not.

I consistently swear to myself that the next time they emerge I will resist the urge to scratch them. I keep my nails short. I try. I fail. I pick.

Mostly I pick in private but sometimes the urge is so strong I pick in front of others.

My partner and close family members ask what I’m doing and tell me to stop.

I was experiencing a stressful moment recently and there was nothing there to pick and I was shocked when I found myself feeling disappointed that there was nothing there to pick at. It made me look at my relationship to them in a deeper way.

Lately I’ve stopped trying to stop and have given myself permission to enjoy the release without having any guilt attached to it.

Until now it has never occurred to me to be grateful for any of it.

Grateful for the bumps.

Grateful for the release they provide.

Grateful that they aren’t visible to everyone who looks at me.

Grateful when they appear.

Grateful when they disappear.

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