I love you. I just listened to full moon transmission.. days after. Thank you.Will drink my moon water to you and for your birthday. Happy birthday my love.. it is late.. my mama is moving into her new digs tomorrow and i am wrapping up my mad mission which began on the spring equinox. Wow. Wild ride but I have been so held and treasured and rubbed raw, abused almost by the weather. Wow .. phenomenal. I fucking can’t wait to see you. A pretty private message not sure why I’m writing here except to say that I like the new form, the new spine of your spirit.. eternal crush of mine. Leaving the motherland in just a few days. See u soon. Brava Bella mou 🩷💫💋

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you can send me as much love as you would like here 😇 I'm coming to NYC on October 21 & let the irl loving begin {love love love to your mama}

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