⚡️ Experiments in Aliveness ⚡️

🤍 Don't be afraid to love the most ~ The Love Artist 🤍

February 19 - 24 2024

6 days of extraordinary presence & devotion in a femme-centric, trans/nonbinary inclusive ritual space.

I wanna hang out with you. At this time, more than ever, we need each other.

For days & days & days. Swim with you. Laugh (hard) with you. Learn with you. Play with you. Surf with you. Pray with you.

Come sit with me & my crew. In the flesh. In the ethers. All of the above.

Deep in the waterfalls & rivers of the rainforest, we will experience:

~ The bounties of Pura Vida (the food!! the water!! the sun!!)

~ Optional daily plant medicine support of my own damiana/blue lotus/rose love elixir & various other micro dose formulas, grounding the orgasmic frequency of the femme force with a commitment to ordinary & extraordinary ceremony.

~ A foundation laid for daily practice including yoga, movement, writing & meditation & prayer.

~ 1:1 consultations with Kathe & other guides

~ Solitude & bliss in nature with ample rest & relaxation time

For the Love Immersion, Kathe will be joined by Carla Richmond. Carla is a trauma-informed somatic practitioner, yoga + meditation facilitator, death doula & mother. The accessible & profound way she shares transformational techniques of parts + timeline work, somatic embodiment & yogic practices allows people to go deeper into their interior life to uncover more clarity & joy.

Optional Surfing Lesson** as well as the possibility to stay a few extra days for a Master Plant Medicine Ceremony with Celina DeLeon.** Write for more info.

**Not included in prices below**

Space is limited. Claim your spot now with $800 deposit. Final payment due January 30.

Please let us know room preference when sending deposit.

Queen Bed with Private Veranda $2750
Single Private $2300
Semi-Private Room $2100
Communal Space (Twin Beds) $1800

More details on the accommodations & venue