Pluto in Aquarius / Chiron Conjunct North Node

Taking Action & Creating Change Within on a Daily Basis

An Astrology Class 🌜🪐☄️🪐🌛

Sunday, February 19 3-5 pm EST

It doesn’t take a telescope or ephemeris to see the changes in the galaxy. We feel them inside: the urgency to transform, to reach out & build new communities, to take action to solidify deeply felt beliefs, to take personal responsibility in the orbits we can.

BREAKING THE CYCLE is a 2 hour (plus if there are many people) Astrology class incorporating Meditation, Personal Astro insights (I will create everyone’s chart ahead of time) as well as Global & Historical insights.

We will each locate our current signifier for action & karma burning on the Zodiac Wheel of Time. Focus will be on relaxing & surrendering enough to RECEIVE the natural flow of soul work that you need & desire (whether you are aware of it or not). Learning how to both tune into ourselves & our gifts at a more profound level & turn off excess information & noise.

~ Meditation on Releasing Limitations

~ Overview of Historical/Global Astro Situation

~ Instruction & Insights for Personal Astrology

$55/energy exchange

$45 for paid Substack subscribers. Drop me a line {} & I will give you the link.

I do have a few partial scholarships. Let me know if you need one.

Also anyone in a position of donating to cover scholarships, let me know so I can offer more!

Looking forward to sitting with all of you 🤍🪞🤍