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New Moon in Taurus

My creativity & research I put into these Transmissions are entirely reader-supported (you 😊). If you enjoy the content I provide & are not ready to become a paid subscriber, you can simply make a one-time donation here at Buy Me A Coffee. If you can. I appreciate each one of you who follows this page regardless. You all truly made it into a beautiful love fest & this love fest does its part in changing the temperature of the world. Thank You 💞

I am sure it is no news to all of you that we are in a time of complete surrender, decay & rebirth right now, on all levels, personal, relationship, community, national, global. There is no lunar phase that resonates with this more deeply than the New Moon & there is no zodiac sign that resonates with this more deeply than Taurus. So yes, whether we asked for it or not, whether we are ready or not . . . Right Place, Right Time, Next Right Thing. It is all happening.

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that was exact on April 20 is still lingering & is close to being conjunct with this New Moon. What does that mean? Growth, truth & revolution is in the air. Uh Duh. The thing to remember

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